Gnome/Nautilus issues Beagle-Tracker, file transfer info, replace file info, popup.
I really like Ubuntu and gnome. There are some better features in KDE and Konquer. However, gnome (ubuntu) is more polished I find.
A couple things that I find annoying and would like to have..
1) File transfer stats. I would like to have copy speed, how much copied in megs, how much remaining..etc. Or as much extra info as I can get on the transfer info dialog.
2) I really liked a menu that would pop up when dragging files around in KDE. It said "Copy here" "Move here" and "Link here". Gnome has one, but you have to press alt or center-mouse-button-drag to see it. I would like to have it pop up by default.
3) What I liked in Vista and KDE was, when copying files around, the file replace dialog had not only just the file name, but size of the files. It had the size of the files and date last modified/accessed.
4) I think I like the idea of beagle better due to it's extra features. However, I find that in order to search for files in Nautilus I need tracker.
Can I replace tracker with beagle? I really want a web page indexing feature that beagle offers with it's firefox plugin.
Is there any way to add these into Nautilus?