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Old 07-17-2003, 10:37 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Distribution: SuSE, Debian, Slack, Ubuntu, Gentoo
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Question GNOME Icons disappeared!

I'm running Mandrake 9.1 with GNOME 2.2 on a brand new Dell Dimension 2350. I've had no problems until yesterday where I decided to use GNOME instead of KDE for my desktop. In playing with the settings, I stumbled onto the Sessions configuration app that lets you configure which programs startup when you login, and so forth.

I was having a problem with Nautilus starting up so I set it up so that Nautilus didn't startup so the problem went away. However, Nautilus is setup in this re-boot mode and no matter what it wants to start up, which is ok, but it's not actually starting now, AND i've lost my desktop background image, the icons, and the ability to right-click on the desktop to get the popup menu.

If i go to the Sessions app again, click on the Current Session tab, I see a bunch of programs set to restart and start, and then at the bottom there are two programs that have the "life saver" icon next to them. One is Nautilus and one is Yelp - a help window.

My question is two-fold - 1) How do I get my icons back, and 2) what does the life save icon next to Nautilus and Yelp mean?

Old 07-17-2003, 01:50 PM   #2
Mega Man X
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You know, it's Nautilus the one responsable to draw icons and the background to your screen. If nautilus does not run, you simply won't get any of them. Try fixing Nautilus reinstalling it. I've had the very same problem with RedHat 7.3 and, after reinstaling it and deleting the file ./gnome into my /home/user, it started working nice again...

Good luck


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