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Old 12-06-2014, 07:16 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2011
Posts: 4

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GMA 900 & OpenGL 2.1 in Lubuntu 14.10

Hi all,

My cousin just got an old Dell Dimension E310 for free, which is a huge improvement over his previous system with the first generation of Intel Extreme Graphics :P He loves to play Xonotic on my rig, but with the 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 (a 3.4 GHz upgrade is on the way) and GMA 900 graphics on his, performance is pretty awful. Since he's running Win7 x86, he only has access to OpenGL 1.4 features. I've read* that the GMA 900 supports OpenGL 2.1 in Linux, which will for sure benefit Xonotic as it makes heavy use of OGL 2.0 features. I fired up Lubuntu 14.10 (64-bit) from a USB drive, installed mesa-utils, and ran glxinfo only to find that OGL 1.4 was the max supported version. How can I get OGL 2.1 capabilities on this old machine? Is there another driver to install?

Thanks in advance!



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