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Old 03-09-2006, 09:36 PM   #16
Registered: Jan 2006
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Probably a little late but maybe this will help:

Sorry if you've seen this one.

Getting rid of the sky in GIMP was easy enough, I just can't get rid of the ground and not the tree. Nice tutorial for Photoshop, though!

Last edited by DrEwMoNeY; 03-09-2006 at 09:50 PM.
Old 03-10-2006, 12:28 AM   #17
Registered: May 2003
Location: S.F. Bay Area
Distribution: Ubuntu 9.04 AMD64
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Maybe THIS Gimp tutorial might help?

Also, install Gimp 2.3.7 and checkout the SIOX plug-in. Pretty neat.

Old 03-10-2006, 10:28 AM   #18
Registered: Jan 2006
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What happened to the good old days where you would just print the picture out and then cut it out with some scissors and then scan it?

That is pretty neat. I liked the video, I had to watch it twice (didn't realize it had sound). Just push "enter", pretty easy.

You haven't had any problems with 2.3.7? I haven't tried anything above 2.2.10. Can't find any Slack-packages. I compiled 2.2.10 from source, guess I could do the same with 2.3.7. I just have to find something to do while the old Thunderbird 1100 is number crunching.
Old 03-10-2006, 10:53 AM   #19
Registered: May 2003
Location: S.F. Bay Area
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Originally Posted by DrEwMoNeY
What happened to the good old days where you would just print the picture out and then cut it out with some scissors and then scan it?
Well, that's still an option for you.

That is pretty neat. I liked the video, I had to watch it twice (didn't realize it had sound). Just push "enter", pretty easy.
Yeah, the SIOX plug-in is pretty cool. Not perfect, but cool indeed.

You haven't had any problems with 2.3.7? I haven't tried anything above 2.2.10. Can't find any Slack-packages. I compiled 2.2.10 from source, guess I could do the same with 2.3.7.
Nope. I switch between 2.3.7 and 2.2.10, since 2.2.10 currently has more plug-ins and filters (which makes sense since that's the current stable version). 2.3.7 works and I've used the SIOX plug-in to extract someone from a photo.

I just have to find something to do while the old Thunderbird 1100 is number crunching.
I run on a Pentium II 350MHz and run compiles in the background all the time. In fact, I was building XFree86 (4.6.0 rc 1) and wine 0.9.9 concurrently in the background while doing my normal work (I think I was creating a banner with Gimp and maybe had N|vu running). Much to my surprise, the machine was very usable and I almost forgot I was running the builds, except for the CPU utilization applet I run was "burning up".

Good luck!

Old 03-10-2006, 04:33 PM   #20
Registered: Jan 2006
Location: Vulcan
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I think when I did the GIMP compile, I had logged out of X for some other reason. I didn't want to mess with what it was doing, so I just went around the corner and picked my nose for a bit. I guess I shouldn't complain about processing power.

You did make something occur to me. I could quit kicking this Celeron 466 that I have under the desk, and put it to some good use. I sure hope I can keep myself from getting all teary-eyed when I'm installing Linux over the Windows Me that is on it. Now which flavor do I want? Hmmmmmmmmmmm............


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