What my goal is, is to have geany editor activate a virtualenv for my currently active file or project.
For the most part this should be easy using build commands. However geany uses the bourne shell which i have never used and bourne doesn't understand 'source bin/activate'. sSource is not a command.
Ok so in geany my command is
/bin/sh -c "%p" /bin/activate; python %f
and my directory %p. %p represents my project directory, in this case ~/Projects/Test.
My virtualenv is located within ~/Projects/Test/bin/activate
So here's the catch now when I run this I get permission denied
/bin/sh -c "/home/sayth/Projects/Test" /bin/activate; python file1.py (in directory: /home/sayth/Projects/Test)
/bin/activate: 1: /bin/activate: /home/sayth/Projects/Test: Permission denied
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "file1.py", line 3, in <module>
import django
ImportError: No module named django
Compilation failed.
So i went to /bin/sh and did
sudo chmod a+x /bin/sh
but this doesn't resolve the error.
Any ideas on how to get the bourne shell to allow me to activate my venv?