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Old 11-05-2003, 07:27 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
Distribution: Mandrake 9.1
Posts: 5

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Unhappy GAIM, Sound, and libao

Hi there, I'm running the latest version of GAIM, however I cannot get it to play sounds (such as when a message is recieved or a buddy signs on or off), I was completely baffled until I ran the program from terminal, now I see that whenever it would normally play a sound, the terminal displays the message:

"6-16-197-209 danzel]# libao - OSS cannot set rate to 22050"

Can someone help me decode this problem and get me some sound?!

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Old 11-05-2003, 09:49 PM   #2
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Stoughton, MA
Distribution: Gentoo x86_64 & PPC
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I am not sure about it, but here's a few suggestions:
First, I would check to see if you have libao installed. First (as root) do 'updatedb'. Then you can use the 'locate' command to find out. Try 'locate libao*' without the quote marks of course. The * is a wildcard character. Basically, it will find anything that starts with libao, in case its like libao-2.34-blahblah.
The message 'cannot set rate to 22050' makes me wonder if it's trying to play a soundfile @ 22khz and the driver you seem to be using (OSS) doesnt support that rate. Try to set a path in Gaim's options to a wav file you know will play otherwise in xmms or something and see if you get sound.

Just suggestions. I don't use gaim and have never had this problem, but this is where I would look first

Last edited by Scruff; 11-05-2003 at 09:50 PM.
Old 11-05-2003, 11:24 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2003
Distribution: Mandrake 9.1
Posts: 5

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Thanks for the reply!

But Yeah, I did actually search to make sure I had libao, and I found the files and the README, saying the version (.83).

Good suggestion with playing the sounds in XMMS, tried that and was actually able to play them with it, and as you suggested, XMMS does indicate that the files are 22Khz....

Well, I was about to type some further thoughts... but, WOW... as I sit here typing this GAIM just played the sound for a Buddy Leaving... and I've changed nothing since my initial post, not have I restarted....
After fiddling around with it for two days it decides to just work like that.... GR! Well I guess it works now... was hoping I'd learn something from this experience... OH WELL!

Thanks anyway...
Old 11-05-2003, 11:30 PM   #4
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Stoughton, MA
Distribution: Gentoo x86_64 & PPC
Posts: 949

Rep: Reputation: 30
Lol! Thats cool. Here's a thought: I have an ASUS mobo with the nforce2 chipset. When I was using the integrated sound I could only get sound from one app at a time. i.e. if I was playing tunes with xmms (which is always) I couldn't hear when I got a message in LICQ. After much research, it appears as if the only fix to that issue is for nvidia to release a proper linux driver (they have one for the nforce, but its b.s.).

I only say this, in case you are running the nforce2. The fact that it all of a sudden worked just makes me wonder if you have the same issue and you happened to not have another app using the soundcard at that time.

I solved the issue though. I bought an Audigy


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