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11-27-2014, 02:56 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 9
g++ in ubuntu 64bit encounter "not declared in this scope"
I want to compille a osrtspproxy_2_0 tool from source with I get it from github. But it get "not declared in this scope" error. I check the code but couldn't find any clue.
The OS is ubuntu 14.04 and 64bit. gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1).
here is the compile infomation.
the tlist.h file is:
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 RealNetworks, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software. It may be distributed under the terms
* in the file LICENSE, found in the top level of the source distribution.
#ifndef _TLIST_H
#define _TLIST_H
#include <assert.h>
template <class T>
class TSingleList
private: // Unimplemented
TSingleList( const TSingleList& );
TSingleList& operator=( const TSingleList& );
class TSingleNode
TSingleNode( TSingleNode* pNext, const T& Data ) :
// Empty
T& GetData( void ) { return m_Data; }
const T& GetData( void ) const { return m_Data; }
TSingleNode* m_pNext;
T m_Data;
class IteratorBase
friend class TSingleList<T>;
IteratorBase( void ) :
// Empty
bool operator++( void )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pNext;
return ( m_pNode != NULL );
bool operator++( int )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pNext;
return ( m_pNode != NULL );
operator bool( void ) const
return ( m_pList != NULL && m_pNode != NULL );
bool operator==( const IteratorBase& itr ) const
return ( itr.m_pList == m_pList && itr.m_pNode == m_pNode );
bool operator!=( const IteratorBase& itr ) const
return ( itr.m_pList != m_pList || itr.m_pNode != m_pNode );
IteratorBase( const TSingleList<T>* pList, TSingleNode* pNode ) :
// Empty
const TSingleList<T>* m_pList;
TSingleNode* m_pNode;
class Iterator : public IteratorBase
friend class TSingleList<T>;
Iterator( void ) : IteratorBase()
// Empty
T& operator*( void )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
return m_pNode->GetData();
Iterator( TSingleList<T>* pList, TSingleNode* pNode ) :
IteratorBase( pList, pNode )
// Empty
class ConstIterator : public IteratorBase
friend class TSingleList<T>;
ConstIterator( void ) : IteratorBase()
// Empty
const T& operator*( void ) const
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
return m_pNode->GetData();
ConstIterator( const TSingleList<T>* pList, TSingleNode* pNode ) :
IteratorBase( pList, pNode )
// Empty
TSingleList( void ) : m_pHead(NULL), m_pTail(NULL), m_nCount(0) {}
~TSingleList( void )
while( ! IsEmpty() )
bool IsEmpty( void ) const { return m_pHead == NULL; }
unsigned int GetCount( void ) const { return m_nCount; }
void InsertHead( const T& Data )
TSingleNode* pNode = new TSingleNode( m_pHead, Data );
assert( pNode );
m_pHead = pNode;
if( ! m_pTail )
m_pTail = pNode;
void InsertTail( const T& Data )
TSingleNode* pNode = new TSingleNode( NULL, Data );
assert( pNode );
if( m_pTail )
m_pTail->m_pNext = pNode;
m_pTail = pNode;
if( ! m_pHead )
m_pHead = pNode;
T RemoveHead( void )
TSingleNode* pNode = m_pHead;
m_pHead = pNode->m_pNext;
if( ! m_pHead )
m_pTail = NULL;
T Data = pNode->GetData();
delete pNode;
return Data;
Iterator Begin( void ) { return Iterator( this, m_pHead ); }
ConstIterator Begin( void ) const { return ConstIterator( this, m_pHead ); }
Iterator End( void ) { return Iterator( this, NULL ); }
ConstIterator End( void ) const { return ConstIterator( this, NULL ); }
TSingleNode* m_pHead;
TSingleNode* m_pTail;
unsigned int m_nCount;
template <class T>
class TDoubleList
private: // Unimplemented
TDoubleList( const TDoubleList& );
TDoubleList& operator=( const TDoubleList& );
class TDoubleNode
TDoubleNode( TDoubleNode* pPrev, TDoubleNode* pNext, const T& Data ) :
// Empty
T& GetData( void ) { return m_Data; }
const T& GetData( void ) const { return m_Data; }
TDoubleNode* m_pPrev;
TDoubleNode* m_pNext;
T m_Data;
class IteratorBase
friend class TDoubleList<T>;
IteratorBase( void ) :
// Empty
bool operator++( void )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pNext;
return ( m_pNode != NULL );
bool operator++( int )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pNext;
return ( m_pNode != NULL );
bool operator--( void )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pPrev;
return ( m_pNode != NULL );
bool operator--( int )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
m_pNode = m_pNode->m_pNext;
return ( m_pNode != NULL );
operator bool( void ) const
return ( m_pList != NULL && m_pNode != NULL );
bool operator==( const IteratorBase& itr ) const
return ( itr.m_pList == m_pList && itr.m_pNode == m_pNode );
bool operator!=( const IteratorBase& itr ) const
return ( itr.m_pList != m_pList || itr.m_pNode != m_pNode );
IteratorBase( const TDoubleList<T>* pList, TDoubleNode* pNode ) :
// Empty
const TDoubleList<T>* m_pList;
TDoubleNode* m_pNode;
class Iterator : public IteratorBase
friend class TDoubleList<T>;
Iterator( void ) : IteratorBase()
// Empty
T& operator*( void )
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
return m_pNode->GetData();
Iterator( const TDoubleList<T>* pList, TDoubleNode* pNode ) :
IteratorBase( pList, pNode )
// Empty
class ConstIterator : public IteratorBase
friend class TDoubleList<T>;
ConstIterator( void ) : IteratorBase()
// Empty
const T& operator*( void ) const
assert( m_pList && m_pNode );
return m_pNode->GetData();
ConstIterator( const TDoubleList<T>* pList, TDoubleNode* pNode ) :
IteratorBase( pList, pNode )
// Empty
TDoubleList( void ) : m_pHead(NULL), m_pTail(NULL), m_nCount(0) {}
~TDoubleList( void )
while( ! IsEmpty() )
bool IsEmpty( void ) const { return m_pHead == NULL; }
unsigned int GetCount( void ) const { return m_nCount; }
void InsertHead( const T& Data )
TDoubleNode* pNode = new TDoubleNode( NULL, m_pHead, Data );
assert( pNode );
if( m_pHead )
m_pHead->m_pPrev = pNode;
m_pHead = pNode;
if( ! m_pTail )
m_pTail = pNode;
void InsertTail( const T& Data )
TDoubleNode* pNode = new TDoubleNode( m_pTail, NULL, Data );
assert( pNode );
if( m_pTail )
m_pTail->m_pNext = pNode;
m_pTail = pNode;
if( ! m_pHead )
m_pHead = pNode;
void InsertBefore( const Iterator& itr, const T& Data )
assert( this == itr.m_pList && NULL != itr.m_pNode );
assert( m_pHead && m_pTail && m_nCount );
TDoubleNode* pNode = new TDoubleNode( NULL, itr.m_pNode, Data );
assert( pNode );
if( itr.m_pNode->m_pPrev )
itr.m_pNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNode;
pNode->m_pPrev = itr.m_pNode->m_pPrev;
assert( m_pHead == itr.m_pNode );
m_pHead = pNode;
itr.m_pNode->m_pPrev = pNode;
void InsertAfter( const Iterator& itr, const T& Data )
assert( this == itr.m_pList && NULL != itr.m_pNode );
assert( m_pHead && m_pTail && m_nCount );
TDoubleNode* pNode = new TDoubleNode( itr.m_pNode, NULL, Data );
assert( pNode );
if( itr.m_pNode->m_pNext )
itr.m_pNode->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNode;
pNode->m_pNext = itr.m_pNode->m_pNext;
assert( m_pTail == itr.m_pNode );
m_pTail = pNode;
itr.m_pNode->m_pNext = pNode;
T Remove( Iterator& itr )
assert( this == itr.m_pList && NULL != itr.m_pNode );
assert( m_pHead && m_pTail && m_nCount );
TDoubleNode* pNode = itr.m_pNode;
itr.m_pNode = NULL;
if( pNode->m_pPrev )
pNode->m_pPrev->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext;
assert( m_pHead == pNode );
m_pHead = pNode->m_pNext;
if( pNode->m_pNext )
pNode->m_pNext->m_pPrev = pNode->m_pPrev;
assert( m_pTail == pNode );
m_pTail = pNode->m_pPrev;
T Data = pNode->GetData();
delete pNode;
return Data;
T RemoveHead( void )
assert( m_pHead && m_pTail && m_nCount );
TDoubleNode* pNode = m_pHead;
m_pHead = pNode->m_pNext;
if( ! m_pHead )
m_pTail = NULL;
T Data = pNode->GetData();
delete pNode;
return Data;
T RemoveTail( void )
assert( m_pHead && m_pTail && m_nCount );
TDoubleNode* pNode = m_pTail;
m_pTail = pNode->m_pPrev;
if( ! m_pTail )
m_pHead = NULL;
T Data = pNode->GetData();
delete pNode;
return Data;
Iterator Begin( void ) { return Iterator( this, m_pHead ); }
ConstIterator Begin( void ) const { return ConstIterator( this, m_pHead ); }
Iterator End( void ) { return Iterator( this, NULL ); }
ConstIterator End( void ) const { return ConstIterator( this, NULL ); }
TDoubleNode* m_pHead;
TDoubleNode* m_pTail;
unsigned int m_nCount;
#endif // _TLIST_H
please take a look and see if any thing occured to you.
Last edited by ansonc; 11-27-2014 at 04:15 AM.
11-27-2014, 04:09 AM
LQ Addict
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Hungary
Distribution: debian/ubuntu/suse ...
Posts: 22,692
You ought to use [code]your code[/code] instead of [quote].. Please try to edit your original post and fix this issue!
I would say the error message is misleading, I think this file is ok, probably the file str.cpp contains something strange, but we cannot see that.
11-27-2014, 04:27 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 9
Original Poster
thanks, pan64.
No clue in the cpp file either.
It's a opensource kit tool. It should have been compiled before.
Any chance it's the g++ problems?
11-27-2014, 07:12 AM
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Jan 2008
Location: Copenhagen DK
Distribution: PCLinuxOS2023 Fedora38 + 50+ other Linux OS, for test only.
Posts: 17,519
osrtspproxy_2_0 tool from source .... from github
Unknown version, but version "2_0" or 2.0 has been around for 10 years?
( There is an example "2.0" package for Redhat EL3.)
Some hints : The year 2010 version from
. →
$ svn checkout mmqos-read-only
.. will compile the two first libraries OK with g++-4.4 ,
but fails with rtspproxy/*
Using gcc-4.4 / g++-4.4 : Edit the three Makefile´s in
{ libapp/, librtsp/, rtspproxy/ } from
to :
11-27-2014, 10:46 PM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2014
Posts: 9
Original Poster
Originally Posted by knudfl
thanks for your quick reply. And I can see some difference exist on the version on and the one I used.
I want to check that out. But my headache is I can not get any access to the trunk for the firewall blocking.
Would you please spare some time to help me with it. Many thanks.
11-28-2014, 02:28 AM
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Jan 2008
Location: Copenhagen DK
Distribution: PCLinuxOS2023 Fedora38 + 50+ other Linux OS, for test only.
Posts: 17,519
← #5 .
OK, I got a new download with ...
$ svn checkout mmqos-read-only
And packed it up :
$ tar -cf mmqos-osrtspproxy_2_0_svn.r43.tar mmqos-read-only/
Uploaded as mmqos-osrtspproxy_2_0_svn.r43.tar.gz ( 2.1 MB ).
Download link
1 members found this post helpful.
12-01-2014, 08:59 PM
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: the next town over from siberia
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Posts: 481
Hi -
I don't know if you solved this but I posted this on my site. This is how I got the not in scope error to go away. If it tells you what line for that error, please check it out.
Swig complained today at random:
void myfunc1 (arg1);
void myfunc2(arg2);
It is puzzling to me that in my headers, I had spaces or no spaces throughout between function name and parameters, and why at random did swig/g++ decide to give the error :
sqlFB_wrap.cxx: In function ‘int _wrap_FooFunct(ClientData, Tcl_Interp*, int, Tcl_Obj* const*)’:
sqlFB_wrap.cxx:2134:16: error: ‘FooFunct’ was not declared in this scope
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