fsck times out while trying to check parallel port disk
I have just installed slackware 9.1 on a toshiba tecra 740CDT laptop. I am using a shuttle epat parallel port disk adapter chip, which worked fine running knoppix.
Fsck reports the following error, after checking the root filesystem on the internal disk.
I think that this means it timed out and aborted.
Under knoppix the paride, epat, and pd modules were inserted manually after booting. Under slackware, i am using a kernel (ppide from the install disk) with support for such devices built in.
I added /dev/pda to my fstab with a line like this
/dev/pda /mnt/pda auto defaults
I think that there is no way to shorten the access time to the disk, owing to port speed, but how can I adjust the value of fsck's timeout ?
Tim Giffney