Fluxbox - use Mod4 instead of Mod1?
Various software that I use relies upon some hotkey that is intercepted by Fluxbox, particularly the use of Alt+mousebuttons for moving and resizing windows. In GIMP, for instance, alt+leftbutton is needed to move a path component.
I know that this behavior can be disabled by putting session.useMod1: false in my ~/.fluxbox/init, but I would like to keep the functionality (it's one of my favorite things about fluxbox), if possible bound to an alternate key such as the Windows Logo key (Mod4). Mod4 + something on the keyboard is just not the same; I want to use my mouse for resizing and moving.
I've done quite a bit of googling, and haven't found any way to tell flux to use Mod4 instead of Mod1 for these things. I've tried:
Mod4 Button1 :Move
to no avail (no surprise, since it's a complete guess; the fluxbox man page does not list the names of the mouse buttons, nor the action of moving/resizing via the mouse). Anyone know if there's a way to do it?