//Hello world!
I'm a fresh new Linux user. It is so Great!
Anyway ... to the point:
I encountered a strange/seems to me/ problem whilst trying to install Flex Builder.
I have a no-problem running Eclipse 3.4
I runned the Flex builder installer and though I pointed out the directory of Eclipse it alerted me there's something wrong(I am sure this was the dir) but I went ahead anyway/I did this a few times with different versions of Eclipse/.
All fine.
I started Eclipse, opened a new flex project, but when I open the mxml file I get this error:
Could not open the editor: Assertion failed: //details:
org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert$AssertionFailedException: Assertion failed:
at org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert.isTrue(Assert.java:185)
Does anyone know what's this thing?!
Btw I am a new Eclipse user too. No idea what's jface.util.Assert
Thanks people.