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Old 06-03-2004, 07:10 AM   #1
Registered: May 2003
Location: Canberra, Australia
Distribution: openSUSE 11.3
Posts: 445

Rep: Reputation: 31
Fixing Mozilla resolving host problem

I've been having a problem with mozilla hanging while resolving a web address, which seems to come and go. Ie, sometimes the web page comes up quickly, other times it hangs for 1-2 minutes, eventually giving a message about not being able to find the address and to check the spelling, etc. A lot of people are experiencing this problem, going by googling on 'mozilla resolving host'. In my google travels, I think I found a fix here:

which involves inserting these lines into the mozilla startup script (/usr/local/mozilla/mozilla):


I just inserted them at the top of the script, just after the comment lines (you have to edit this file as root). This seems to have fixed the problem. So far, web pages have resolved quickly, just like they used to (but still keeping my fingers crossed).


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