I may have posted this query before on other forum but havent recd any reply..... so i am rephrasing it and posing it to all.....
I'm trying to simulate Firewalk (if anyone has used it it would be gr8 help), which uses libpcap, libnet & libdnet.....
For those who dont know, Firewalk is a tool built to enumerate the access control list of the target gateway,
I'm working on simple system which is in a network using RedHat 9.....
When i try to run Firewalk on this system it gives foll o/p:
Firewalk 5.0 [gateway ACL scanner]
fw_init_network(): route_get()
Total packets sent: 0
Total packet errors: 0
Total packets caught 0
Total packets caught of interest 0
Total ports scanned 0
Total ports open: 0
Total ports unknown: 0
When i went thru release notes of RedHat 9 it states that it doesn't provide ACL support but provides the packages attr & acl for ACL testing....
Someone suggested I use Fedora Core 3....
I'm very confused as to what to use..... and what is the right thing to do?
Please help as it's very urgent...... Thanks