I can't figure out what's wrong with this....
Awhile ago, Firefox just stopped working, along with Mozilla...
After a day or so, it just started working again, I have no idea what was wrong.
But today it stopped working again, with the same error. I haven't updated anything, changed any packages, libraries, compiled anything, done pretty much ANYTHING with my computer, except a bit of browsing the internet and working on some Python scripts....
Running "firefox" just hangs, but running "firefox-bin" gives the following error, which was the same both times:
/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin: undefined symbol: _ZN12nsCharTraitsIcE12sEmptyBufferE
I tried searching Google and the forums, but I can't find anything remotely resembling this problem.
Any help would be appreciated.