I have a file and its name includes special characters, for example:
'"()$` $
I want to print a command which can be copy/pasted in a bash terminal, for example:
ls '"()$` $
Obviously, this won't work, I need to escape that value.
What I'm using at the moment is the following function:
function escape {
echo \'"$(echo "$*" | sed -e "s/'/'\"'\"'/g")"\'
Like this:
f="'\"()\$\` \$"
echo "$f"
# The following should print a command that should have
# exactly the same effect as the one on the line above
echo echo "$(escape "$f")"
This prints:
'"()$` $
echo ''"'"'"()$` $'
Now if I run the printed echo command, it prints, as expected:
'"()$` $
My question: Is there a more elegant or a better solution than my
escape() function above? Ideally it would be an internal Bash command. For example, a function which would escape exactly the special characters, and nothing more, and would produce, for the example above:
echo \'\"\(\)\$\`\ \ \$ instead of printing and having to use a gazillion quotes.