Fedora Core 5 Memory Usage
I have a question. My desktop PC is my linux/gaming box, I know the two don't usually go together but I've managed quite well with either finding linux native games or making Windows games work. Anyway, off topic. I've got two web folders hosted and an ftp server running in the background on this PC as well so on startup I'm using about 300 MB of my GB of RAM. However things never seem to clean up after themselves very well. Like right now if I close Firefox and go back to nothing running except what was running at startup I have 500 MB in use. In Windows there is a program called FreeRAM XP Pro that will clean out your clipboard and footprints from programs you've closed. Do you know if there's anything I can do or a utility that will free up some of my RAM in Linux? I don't mind the 300 MB being used on startup, as long as I can get it back to that whenever I want to leave my computer for a while.