I'm running Fedora 8 and NoMachine Free Server. All of the sudden, my nomachine server is not allowing client connections (on mac of windows). I have two nxusers set up, with default ssh keys. I've reinstalled the nxclient, nxnode and nxserver a few times. Here's what I get on tail /var/log/messages after a failed remote connect:
May 16 12:32:49 localhost NXSERVER-3.2.0-7[13382]: User 'nxadmin' from '' logged out. 'NXLogin::reset'
May 16 12:32:49 localhost NXNODE-3.2.0-5[13413]: Using port '1002' on node 'localhost.localdomain' for session 'unix-gnome'. Logger::log nxnode 5975
May 16 12:32:49 localhost NXNODE-3.2.0-5[13413]: Using host from available host list: ''. Logger::log nxnode 5976
May 16 12:32:58 localhost NXSERVER-3.2.0-7[13382]: ERROR: nxssh process exit with exit status: 255 'NXShell::handler_bye'
May 16 12:33:01 localhost NXNODE-3.2.0-5[13413]: ERROR: run command: process: 13577 finished with: 1 Logger::log nxnode 3764
May 16 12:33:02 localhost NXNODE-3.2.0-5[13622]: ERROR: Error when monitoring session: Could not create lock file in /tmp/.tX1002-lock 'NXSessionMonitor::__setSessionStatus'
May 16 12:33:02 localhost NXNODE-3.2.0-5[13622]: Directory '/home/nxadmin/.nx/C-localhost.localdomain-1002-B29233756F01F28E1403916753D409CA' renamed into '/home/nxadmin/.nx/F-C-localhost.localdomain-1002-B29233756F01F28E1403916753D409CA' for further investigation Logger::log nxnode 6155
May 16 12:33:03 localhost NXNODE-3.2.0-5[13413]: Session 'unix-gnome' on port '1002' failed. Logger::log nxnode 6234
May 16 12:33:09 localhost NXSERVER-3.2.0-7[13579]: ERROR: NXNodeExec: Cannot kill nxssh process: No such process 'NXNodeExec::exec'
May 16 12:33:09 localhost NXSERVER-3.2.0-7[13579]: User 'nxadmin' from '' logged out. 'NXLogin::reset'
Here's what I get on the client:
Info: Display running with pid '4264' and handler '0x80c20'.
NXPROXY - Version 3.2.0
Copyright (C) 2001, 2007 NoMachine.
http://www.nomachine.com/ for more information.
Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid '6128'.
Session: Starting session at 'Fri May 16 12:32:50 2008'.
Error: The remote NX proxy closed the connection.
Error: Failure negotiating the session in stage '7'.
Error: Wrong version or invalid session authentication cookie.
Session: Terminating session at 'Fri May 16 12:32:58 2008'.
Session: Session terminated at 'Fri May 16 12:32:58 2008'.
I can't find much online about other people having this issue. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this?