I have a program which receives pictures at a high rate (lets say at 100 Hz).
The picture's size is about 1 MB (let say 1 MB).
The picture's are to be recorded to the disk for later inspection (sustain rate = 100 MB/Sec).
The disk is an SSD (SATA 2.0 - theoretically 3 Gbit/Sec).
This is the only "disk activity" during the whole run time.
The program runs for 20 minutes ==>> total of 120 GB.
The file system is not decided yet.
So the question is : How to do it ?
1) Which file system is best ?
2) Is there a "well known solution" to this issue ?
3) Are there code recommendations ?
4) Any suggested code to do this ?
5) With/Without "journal" ?
Finally, is this the best place to put the question ?