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Old 03-11-2006, 02:35 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 84

Rep: Reputation: 15
Evolution & gconf problems -they dont talk to each other?

Hi, guess what my friends, I was using Evolution to check my emails happily until....yesterday. Briefly, for a moment I had nothing to do, and decided to change the ownership of /tmp directory (normaly the owner is root) to me (Maxei). I did this when logged as a different user (in KDE). So when I logged in as Maxei, a shower of errors from gnome greeted me, saying something like applications failed to open. But what really worries me is Evolution. If I try to open Evolution through console, this is what I get:
[maxei@localhost gconf]$ evolution
asked to activate component_id `OAFIID:GNOME_Evolution_Addressbook_Component:2.0
addressbook_migrate (0.0.0)

(evolution:13230): e-data-server-WARNING **: Could not update "/apps/evolution/a
ddressbook/sources": Failed to contact configuration server; some possible cause
s are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS
locks due to a system crash. See for infor
mation. (Details - 1: IOR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/lock/ior' not opened successfu
lly, no gconfd located: No such file or directory 2: IOR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/
lock/ior' not opened successfully, no gconfd located: No such file or directory)

(evolution:13230): camel-WARNING **: Invalid root: '/home/maxei/.evolution/mail/l

(evolution:13230): camel-WARNING **: version: TEXT.000 (TEXT.000)

(evolution:13230): camel-WARNING **: block size: 1024 (1024) OK

(evolution:13230): camel-WARNING **: free: 0 (0 add size < 1024) OK

(evolution:13230): camel-WARNING **: last: 6144 (6144 and size: 1024) BAD

(evolution:13230): camel-WARNING **: flags: unSYNC
account gui setup

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-client.c: line 1299 (gconf_clie
nt_get_entry): assertion `err == NULL || *err == NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): GConf-CRITICAL **: file gconf-value.c: line 1494 (gconf_entry
_unref): assertion `entry != NULL' failed

(evolution:13230): e-utils-WARNING **: Could not load account lock settings: Fai
led to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to e
nable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system c
rash. See for information. (Details - 1: I
OR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/lock/ior' not opened successfully, no gconfd located:
No such file or directory 2: IOR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/lock/ior' not opened suc cessfully, no gconfd located: No such file or directory)
checking writable option 'auth' perms=00000040
checking writable option 'use_ssl' perms=00000010
checking writable option 'auth' perms=00000040
checking writable option 'use_ssl' perms=00000010

(evolution:13230): e-data-server-WARNING **: Cannot update "/apps/evolution/cale ndar/sources": Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See for information . (Details - 1: IOR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/lock/ior' not opened successfully, n o gconfd located: No such file or directory 2: IOR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/lock/i or' not opened successfully, no gconfd located: No such file or directory)

(evolution:13230): e-data-server-WARNING **: Cannot update "/apps/evolution/task s/sources": Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are tha t you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks du e to a system crash. See for information. ( Details - 1: IOR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/lock/ior' not opened successfully, no g confd located: No such file or directory 2: IOR file '/tmp/gconfd-maxei/lock/ior' not opened successfully, no gconfd located: No such file or directory)

In addition, Evolution asks me to set up again everything, which I dont want to do because I want to preserve all my folders with my email messages. Awww hek! when I thought that Evolution was the top app.for Linux, and now this mess happening.
By the way, I have reverted the ownership of /tmp to root, and the error continues. It is so easy to fuck up a Linux system but how difficult to repair it!

Maxei DeVraie
Old 03-11-2006, 07:39 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Denmark
Distribution: Ubuntu, Debian
Posts: 1,524

Rep: Reputation: 47
One suggestion: backup your email folders.

cd into ~/.evolution, then run "find | less". Copy *at least* all the files in mbox format (they contain all the mail headers--From, to, subject, cc, bcc, and so forth--as well as the actualy mail bodies). You can then import them into a different mailer (FWIW, I use mutt), and at least access your email. If you also use evolution to retrieve mail, you might want to look for a replacement for that too--I have only good things to say about fetchmail.

Also, I think critizing (GNU/)Linux ("It is so easy to fuck up a Linux system but how difficult to repair it!") is not a particularly smart thing to do if you want people to help you.

Still, I'll bite the flamebait: in comparison with most Microsoft OSes, GNU/Linux does rather well--it's only easy for you to fuck up your GNU/Linux installation, whereas it's easy for anyone to fuck up your Microsoft OS. Also, the--in my experience--best way to recover a wedged Microsoft OS is to reboot it or, if that fails (which is what's discussed here), reinstall it.

hth --Jonas
Old 03-11-2006, 11:58 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 84

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Thanks for the advice, Jonas. I did not want to offense anybody. I say that because I thought that, eventually, a Gnome developer may hear about this very easy way to fuck up gconf and will (I hope) take note and who knows, modify it so that nobody messes up with it. I keep cool. I've been using Linux since year 2K (from Mandrake 8) and have witnessed the incredible and fast improvement of Linux through these years. I fucked up gconf so easily as I was experimenting on the effects of changing ownership of some files. what a weird way to learn Linux you may think, but then perhaps I shouldnt be so "rude"(?). After all, I use Linux at my own risk. I believe that this problem is not a bug. Just Gnome-evolution (and other apps) is just designed such way and of course I will not expect they will change things just because my experiment messed up gconf and all gnome applications (not just Evolution). I have seen posted similar errors but no solution seems to come at hand, other than just re-install the thing again and forget about your old stuff (a bit like Windows by the way). I will change of application, this time using only KDE apps for email retreiving and handling. Thanks a lot.
Maxei DeVraie


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