I have a problem. I had old image magick version installed, yesterday I decited to install the newest version from source. Compilation was successfull, but everytime I run it, I get:
convert: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
but I have that librarie, even when I type config, it shows, that I have that librarie, anyway I compiled it without PNG support, but still the same error. Then I put the slackware CD in and installed all the libraries from the "l" folder on slackware cd, did a ldconfig but the same error. Then I restarted my computer put in the Slackware CD 1 and installed everything, now the error was gone, but I found out that for some tools of ImageMagick, for example identify, it shows the same error. Then I decited to install the old ImageMagick again (I removed the new one), but still the same error, even now for the old one! I downloaded libPHP from linuxpackages.net tried different versions, but I still get the same error! I guess it's imagemagick problem, because GIMP works fine! Now everytime I try to install software with installpkg tool, I get this:
touch: cannot touch `usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/perllocal.pod': No such file or directory
install/doinst.sh: line 3: usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/perllocal.pod: No such file or directory
Any ideas where did I go wrong? Thank you!