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Old 11-14-2003, 04:03 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Bulgaria
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Posts: 13

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error linking oracle developer suite under linux

I'm trying to install developer suite on red hat advances server 2.1
while linking i got error messages and the instalation stops. here is the output from the make log:
/usr/bin/make -f cgi_install ORACLE_HOME=/developer
rm -f rwcgi
gcc -o rwcgi -L/developer//lib/ -L/developer/lib/ -L/developer/lib/stubs/ -L/developer/jdk/jre/lib/i386/classic -L/developer/jdk/jre/lib/i386/native_threads rwsws.o rxmawc.o rwswcj.o rwswcm.o rwswcs.o rwswif.o rwswk.o rwswm.o rwswu.o rwswur.o rwswx.o /developer/lib//libzrc90.a -lca90 \
-lclntsh `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lnro9 `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lclient9 -lvsn9 -lwtc9 -lcommon9 -lgeneric9 -lwtc9 -lmm -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lnro9 `cat /developer/lib/ldflags` -lnsslb9 -lnsgr9 -lnzjs9 -ln9 -lnl9 -lclient9 -lvsn9 -lwtc9 -lcommon9 -lgeneric9 -ltrace9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 -lclient9 -lvsn9 -lwtc9 -lcommon9 -lgeneric9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 `cat /developer/lib/sysliblist` -lm `cat /developer/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lpthread -lm -lsnls9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lcore9 -lnls9 -lxml9 -lcore9 -lunls9 -ljvm -lhpi
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [rwcgi] Error 1
Old 11-14-2003, 07:48 AM   #2
jim mcnamara
Registered: May 2002
Posts: 964

Rep: Reputation: 36
The way the makefile is set up gcc is looking for the shared library in /developer/lib/.

do a
 find /developer/lib -name lclntsh.\*
to see if the shared library is where you are telling gcc to find it.
Also, you have to be logged on as the user oracle to do this, for most installs. This user normally owns those files as well.

PS all of those other libraries are going to give the same error - those things that all start with "-l"


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