error in install tclx8.3
I have install tcl8.3.3 and tk8.3.3. And when I run the command as follows, no error produced
#cd /
#mkdir /tcl
#cd tcl
#tar zxvf tcl8.3.3-new.tar.gz
#tar xvf tk8.3.3.tar
#tar xvf tclx8.3.tar
#mkdir tcl
#mkdir tk
#mkdir tclx
#cd /tcl8.3.3/unix
#./configure --exec_prefix=/tcl/tcl --prefix=/tcl/tcl
#make install
the installation of tcl is successful
#cd /tcl/tk8.3.3/unix
#./configure --exec_prefix=/tcl/tk --prefix=/tcl/tk --with-tcl=/tcl/tcl/lib
#make install
the installation of tk is also successufle
#cd /tcl/tclx8.3/unix
#./configure --exec_prefix=/tcl/tclx --prefix=/tcl/tclx --with-tcl=/tcl/tcl/lib --with-tk=/tcl/tk/lib
#make install
this time, the command make run successfully, but make install can't pass. The error is as follows:
rm -rf ./tcl/help/tcl help help.tmp
rm:can't delete './tcl/help/tcl': isn't directory
make[1]:***[buildhelp] Error 1
make[1]:Leaving directory `/tcl/tclx8.3/tcl/unix`
make:***[TCLX_INSTALL] Error 2