Endnote styles and Lyx/Jabref
My university uses its own particular Endnote style, and provides a style.ens file for all the happy Endnote users.
I use Lyx and store all of my references in JabRef. Although my references look nicer than anybody else's, apparently they are unacceptable. I must toe the party line...
Is there any way of using or converting the Endnote.ens file into a BibTeX style that I can use in Lyx, or am I going to be forced onto a windows machine?
(Please don't suggest using Endnote through wine - I have psychological issues with installing windows apps on my laptop!). If it makes any difference, I downloaded all of my references into JabRef using the Endnote citations from the web rather than the BibTeX ones, just in case it helped with future compatability issues like this one.
Yours in hope,