You know if you the CVS version it is 6.8 because the code is in freeze right now. You may want to try. The directions are below:
Howto install Xorg-cvs without breaking your existing Xorg/Xfree86 install.
Detailed information can be found at
This is a quick guide for beginners. It shows how
I successfully build Xorg-cvs on my linux box.
These instructions may need "tweaking" per distro
or platform. It should not be considered "official"
in any way. You'll need to be root to do most of this.
As always there are lots of ways to do things, this
is but one. Of course I take no responsiblity for any
damage or loss of data, revenue or friends this may
1) Create a directory that will house your new
Xorg-cvs build, I use /opt/Xorg-
2) From a safe place like /usr/src/ pull down the cvs
version of Xorg.
$ cvs -d login
CVS password: <hit return>
$ cvs -d co -P xc
This will place the source in a directory called "xc"
3) Create a host.def file in xc/config/cf by copying
the file xorgsite.def to host.def then edit
host.def to add any of the following build options.
#define ProjectRoot /opt/Xorg-
#define NothingOutsideProjectRoot YES
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O0 -g
#define HasFreetype2 YES
#define HasFontconfig YES
The first line will cause Xorg-cvs to be installed
in the directory /opt/Xorg-
The second line will specify that the entire build
be there and nowhere else.
The third line will add "debug-ability" to your
The fourth will use your installed version of
The fifth will use your installed version of
4) Backup or move your /usr/X11R6 directory. mv /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11R6.bak
Backup /etc/X11.
This step is purely for caution's sake, since everything
should be built in (and only in) the build directory
you specify in host.def.
5) Enter your source directory (in this example /usr/src/xc)
and build Xorg-cvs by issuing the command;
make World
6) If the build finishes install it to /opt/Xorg-
by issuing the command;
make install
7) Make /usr/X11R6 a symbolic link to your build directory.
ln -s /opt/Xorg- /usr/X11R6
You should not need to change anything in /etc/X11
Xorg-cvs will likely work with your existing xorg.conf
file with some editing (see step 8).
8) Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the section that looks like:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "Keyboard"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
The old keybord driver no longer works.
9) To enable Composite add this to your xorg.conf file:
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"
10) Restart Xorg.
BONUS BONUS BONUS (beyond the scope of this howto :-P )
Xorg-cvs will by default build the fancy new X extensions;
XDamage, XFixes, Composite. To make the eye candy you need
to get a composite manager, like xcompmgr from the Keithp's
1) Get xcompmgr
$ cvs -d login
CVS password: <hit return>
cvs -d co xcompmgr
2) Set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to /opt/Xorg-
$ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/Xorg-
3) Run the usual,
./ ; ./configure --prefix=/usr ; make ; make install
4) From within Xorg run xcompmgr (I suggest running it from a terminal
so you can ctrl-c it if you need to kill it), watch either the
eye-candy or carnage.
4) Enjoy.
08/13/04 -ryanpg (ryanpg at yahoo com)
To get the transparent windows you need this:
cvs -d co transset