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Old 03-17-2005, 01:51 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2004
Distribution: SuSE 9.2 Pro
Posts: 4

Rep: Reputation: 0
Embedded video player

I'm looking to make a tiny embedded video player. Ideally, I'd like it to play an MPEG1/2 which either displaying a webcam in a picture in picture style window, or having it switch from an MPEG1/2 to the webcam on motion detection (can be done via a serial port remote-control style command).

We have microcontrollers on the boards inside of out unit, so motion detection doesnt have to be software based. In fact, I'd prefer it to not be. I basically need a minimalistic MPlayer with a couple of little scripts. I'm a pretty knowledgable linux guy (been my primary OS for over a year), but this thing has me by the neck :/. It needs to boot fast and autostart with no interaction.

The product itself is a public display. As of now, we have a flash car dreader, and it switches between a JPG ad and a video camera (switches to camera when it detects motion). We'd like to have that work with a video. Picture in picture would be great too.

Thanks in advance for all your help

Old 03-18-2005, 07:08 AM   #2
Registered: Mar 2005
Location: Ice Station Alert AFB
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 166

Rep: Reputation: 30
curiosity question - route for implimenting...

Is it to be a kind of live HTML page on the desktop/monitor?

Or is it to stand alone as an application running in a GUI?

Would multiple copies of "it" be running on the same local monitor/system?

Is it a project you want to link to existing graphic libraries or are you writing the display stuff yourself?
Old 03-18-2005, 10:49 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2004
Distribution: SuSE 9.2 Pro
Posts: 4

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
It's gotta be something like a very basic linux system with mplayer. I'm wanting to keep this as simple as possible - it would play a fullscreen video, maybe switching to a background paused video (webcam) until it gets its trigger, when it pauses the video and switches the windows. I can do it with a series of keystrokes in KDE (space, alt+tab, space - wait 10 seconds, space, alt+tab, space). I'd like to be able to send the commands via RS232. I can do that now with pause/play, since mplayer accepts commands from a remote. But, how can I switch windows with it?

Also, if anyone can help with making a very minimalistic distro (kernel + x libraries for mplayer + mplayer), I'd be very appreciative.


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