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Pranesh 09-03-2003 11:36 PM

email server setup help

I have registered a domain , for example :- (61.**.**.**)or by paying some money to an ISP which will get activated within 48 hrs. now in my LAN i have redhat 8.0 (192.168.*.*), i want to setup mailserver on this redhat 8.0 , how do i do that can anybody give me step by step help and also i need to create email users and if i send any mails to automatically it shd come to my redhat and then from windows outllok i shd be able to download email from this redhat i mean in the outlook if i give this redhat ip as pop i shd be able to download mails to outlook from redhat.... any help.. thanks in advance...

joseph 09-03-2003 11:45 PM

1. get the MTA (sendmail, postfix,qmail,exim), but i suggest you to use postfix, it is easy to configure and secure.
2. install the MTA.
3. configure the MTA.
4. try to telnet localhost 25, and see whether it get response or not.

but you try this web, and search for postfix documentation.

Pranesh 09-03-2003 11:50 PM


What is MTA?, by default sendmail has come with redhat 8.0, what next, when i did telnet localhost 25 and also 110 i got messg saying unable to connect, connection refused.

joseph 09-04-2003 01:11 AM

MTA is mail transfer agent, such as sendmail, postfix, qmail.
if you do telnet localhost 25 and get msg unable to connect, its mean that your sendmail haven't running, just do the following "service sendmail start" in your redhat command prompt, then try to telnet again and see whether get a good response or not!

after that get your redhat's cd and put it in your cdrom and install the rpm for imap.
then do telnet localhost 110, and see whether you get good or bad response.

After that tell me what happen and i will try to help you to setup a basic mail server.

Pranesh 09-04-2003 03:20 AM

HI Joseph,

after starting sendmail service i tried telnet localhost 25 and i got this response

220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.5/8.12.5; Thu, 4 Sep 2003 13:47:33

earlier i was getting connection refused.... messsg now i will add imap from redhat cd and let you know the status. Is the above messg okay with localhost 25??

joseph 09-04-2003 03:28 AM

yes very good, it is good response.
i think it is better for you to upgrade your sendmail to 8.12.9 because you are using sendmail 8.12.5

Pranesh 09-04-2003 04:00 AM

joseph tommorow shall i install imap and update u?, tomm will u chk and getback to me? thanks

joseph 09-04-2003 04:34 AM

yes, i will online every working day (mon-fri) except saturday and sunday.
i will follow your thread.

Pranesh 09-04-2003 10:38 PM

Hi Joseph, when i did rpm -qa imap it is showing imap-2001a-15
and it is located in imap: /usr/include/imap, what next ??, can we do with pop instead of pop?

joseph 09-04-2003 11:25 PM

ok try, do telnet localhost 110
and see what the response,
if the response say unable to connect you must do it manually in /etc/xinetd.d/ipop3 and change disable= yes to "no" and restart xinetd using /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart.

Pranesh 09-05-2003 12:10 AM

Hi joseph, i did disable=no and restarted xinetd and then when i tried telnet localhost 110 iam getting good responsr here is the o/p :- +OK POP3 gbs v2001.78rh server ready, what next... thanks for all ur help ...

joseph 09-05-2003 01:26 AM

ok, let go on

next go to /etc/mail and edit file, find and change it to save it and do the following command m4 > /etc/ and then restart ur sendmail using service sendmail restart.

Then go to /etc and edit find the word Cwlocalhost to or whatever your domain. (remember there is no space between Cw and your domain), Restart your sendmail.

Try to add some user into it using useradd xxx then passwd xxx

Now you can try your mail server in your client computer such using outlook express or whatever.

I think your mail server is ready to send and receive an email.

Pranesh 09-05-2003 01:35 AM

Hi Joseph thanks i will try this right now and post u, before this, when i tried from windows machine telnet ip-address ( of my redhat where i have enabled pop) 110 i got a good response saying pop is ready OK and when i tried same with telnet ipaddress 25 , it is giving connection refued.... messg..

joseph 09-05-2003 01:38 AM

yep just do what i write just now, and everything will going smoothly

joseph 09-05-2003 01:41 AM

i think you can configure your ail server remotely, you can use ssh to configure it so you don't need to back to your server and back to your windows machine. you can use putty

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