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Old 10-17-2004, 09:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
Posts: 9

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DVD burning software

I mistakenly posted this earlier in the Hardware section (sorry) so here it is in Software in case anyone has any other suggestions....

Does anyone have DVD burning software suggestions? I have K3b, but it says that it does not support video copying. I want something that will allow me to copy my DVD's....Thanks
Old 10-18-2004, 04:20 AM   #2
Bruce Hill
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Welcome to LQ!

I just finished copying a DVD with K3b. It works.

You need to provide more information when you make a post.
Please read How To Ask a Question so that you'll get better help.
The person in your other thread did not mean that you should
double-post, but that you should HAVE posted this question in
the Linux - Software forum at LQ.

After you read that LinuxAnswer, you'll know more of what
to post in this thread to get better help. The k3b page tells
what other apps you need to go with it in order to burn DVDs.
Have you read and checked to see if your system has them?
How did you attempt to copy a DVD?
Old 10-18-2004, 07:29 AM   #3
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Germany
Distribution: OpenSuSE, SLES, Debian, Ubuntu, Eisfair
Posts: 79

Rep: Reputation: 15
What about these tools?
dvd::rip is a full featured DVD copy program written in Perl. It provides an easy-to-use but feature-rich GTK+ GUI to control almost all aspects of the ripping and transcoding process. It uses the widely known video processing swissknife, transcode, and many other Open Source tools.

lxdvdrip is a command line tool to make a copy from a video DVD. It automates the process of ripping, authoring, previewing, and burning the DVD. It uses tools like mplayer, transcode, streamdvd, dvdauthor, and growisofs. You can backup the main feature or the whole DVD.

Hope it helps,



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