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Old 02-21-2009, 03:17 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2007
Posts: 19

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Unhappy dual boot small-linux dos

I have made two floppies, one boot, one root, which loads small-linux in my old Lexmark SE10 which has 4 mgs Ram and a 100 mg. hard drive. The hard drive has a dos system on it with a file system. I want to make a dual boot placing small-linux on the hard drive partitioned with the dos. Have any ideas of how to do it? I was quite amazed at how well small-linux is working on this machine. Everything that I have read says that it is a real hog on such a small machine. It does not even have a swap space on the hard drive. Any suggestions would be most helpful. I am a little scared because I don't have a copy of the dos. Thanks for looking and perhaps helping.
Old 02-21-2009, 03:43 PM   #2
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(Wow, that must be an old PC! This is even less than I had with my Atari STE: 4MB, 500MB. With it though, I could run X11 in B&W.)

I would suggest you get a copy of DOS from the Internet first. As long as you own the license (however old it is), there should be no legal problem in downloading a copy. Else there is FreeDOS too.

A backup of this PC's data would be good too. Does it have any other mean of communication than floppy disks?

For formating, I suppose with so little memory you're stuck with fdisk or cfdisk.


Last edited by theYinYeti; 02-21-2009 at 03:50 PM.


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