Dual Boot RH7.3/WinXP
I have a 40gb HD with WinXp on the primary master and a 6gb HD with RH 7.3 on the primary slave. RH was originally loaded on the 6gb in a seperate pc on the primary master. I had lilo installed on the MBR. When I re-installed RH I had lilo installed to the /boot partition because I was going to dual boot with Windows loader on the primary master HD. I set my bios to boot to the linux HD and I get Load Linux................................ and it just sits there. I used CD and booted into recovery mode and the lilo.conf file looks ok. I am still a newbie to linux. Do you guys have a suggestions to why linux won't load? I want to get linux booting ok so that I can create my linux.bin file to go on my windows HD. I can change my bios and still boot into WinXp ok.
Thanks for the help in advance.