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Old 11-20-2014, 05:12 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2008
Location: Bracknell, UK
Distribution: Ubuntu, mostly!
Posts: 161

Rep: Reputation: 20
DraftSight 2015 crashes on start

I have been using DraftSight on my (64bit) Ubuntu 14.04 machines for a long while with only minor issues. I saw that the 2015 version had been released and thought I'd give it a whirl and see if the gremlins in the .pdf export had been resolved.

The package installed (via Gdebi) flawlessly but I am having issues getting the application to start. If I click on a .dwg file, click on the menu icon or navigate to /opt/dasault-systemes/DraftSight/Linux/ and run the executable through gui the splash screen appears as usual, the application window opens and then immediately closes again.

The only way I can get the application to work is to go into a terminal and do:-

:~$ /opt/dassault-systemes/DraftSight/Linux/DraftSight
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_help_clicked()
QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_help_clicked()
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
QXcbWindow: Unhandled client message: "_GTK_LOAD_ICONTHEMES"
QXcbWindow: Unhandled client message: "_GTK_LOAD_ICONTHEMES"
QXcbWindow: Unhandled client message: "_GTK_LOAD_ICONTHEMES"
QXcbWindow: Unhandled client message: "_GTK_LOAD_ICONTHEMES"
As you can see this does produce errors but seems to work. It does have the small issue that it does not seem to remember changes I make in the application (moving toolbars around, altering drafting options etc etc)

Am I doing something wrong?

Being able to click on a CAD drawing in my (GUI)file manager and have it open in DraftSight is pretty important. Opening the app and then opening the drawing from within is a bit of a pita when you work on as many per day as I do!

The other thing that is important here is that my main workstation is an optimus laptop so I need the ability to use optirun with draftsight to make the performance workable, I used to have the menu entry set up to execute:-
optirun /opt/dassault-systemes/DraftSight/Linux/DraftSight %f
and that seemed to work but now that fails in the same manner as all GUI attempts with the addition of a pop up window telling me DraftSight couldn't find the file %f.

Last edited by PClOStinspace; 11-20-2014 at 05:19 AM.
Old 12-07-2014, 07:00 AM   #2
Registered: May 2001
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As you hopefully are aware this is a proprietary product made by Dassault. So they should answer any questions. It seems they have a forum: so maybe you'll be able to find your answer there.



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