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Old 11-21-2004, 06:48 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
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Question Downloading Linux Software

I'm a relative newbie to Linux. Although I've used Suse in the past, I'm now using Linspire/Lindows because of its Click and Run software installation; however, I'd like to download WINE but have not a clue as to how to do so.

When I get to the download page there must be several different components that I have to download. Although everything downloads, the install.exe command (icon) never seems to work. I've found this to be the same with most Linux programs.

Am I supposed to be burning these programs to a CD before I try to install or what am I doing wrong?

Old 11-21-2004, 07:04 PM   #2
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It would help to know where you're actually downloading stuff
from ... my first impulse would be to say "If you have an install.exe
it's not meant to be run from Linux" ...

I don't run lindows/linspire because of its point&click interface,
and because it's hard to asses problems with it for this very
same reason ;)

Old 11-21-2004, 07:52 PM   #3
Registered: Nov 2004
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"If you have an install.exe it's not meant to be run from Linux" ... I agree.

As far as installing wine goes I have always found it easiest to install from the source package. This page: describes a very simple way to compile, install, and configure wine in one go, the rest of the documentation is very good too. I don't know anything about Linspire (what libraries are included etc) but there should be a list of dependencies on the winehq site somewhere.


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