Hy folks,
I don't think the title is very clear but could not describe it with fewer words. So here comes my question:
When you don't state any DNS-Server in named.conf ( I'm doing it with forwarders {IP...} ) it just magicly uses some. don't know where it gets the IP from, but the querys are ok and everything. Also when I state my ISP DNS-Server through <b>forwarders ...</b> it uses the right DNS-Server.
Can anyone comfirm that. Everythings working fine. I just wonder where BIND gets these IP's.
To check on it use the simple chaching name-server-config from the manual.
// Two corporate subnets we wish to allow queries from.
acl corpnets {;; };
options {
directory "/etc/namedb"; // Working directory
allow-query { corpnets; };
// Provide a reverse mapping for the loopback address
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
type master;
file "localhost.rev";
notify no;
and make iptables show the outgoing dns querys.
iptables -I OUTPUT 1 -p udp --dport 53 -j LOG --log-prefix "DNS:"
For my case it does not use the dns-server in /etc/resolv.conf.
Would be nice if someone would check on this.
Regards Zhjim