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Old 10-09-2003, 09:43 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 10

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Dell dell GX270, Redhat 9, geforce 5200 problem

I just got at work a Dell Optiplex GX270 which came with Windows XP. I want to install redhat 9.0 on this system instead.
This machine has a built-in graphic card but I want to use the geforce Fx5200 card that came with the machine for obvious reason. The CRT is connected to the geforce5200. The bios has the AGP card defined as primary controller. I did not find a bios setup to clearly disable the onboard graphic card.

When I install redhat using the "graphics install", everything goes well until it start X. The card is probed as "VESA card generic". When X starts, the screen goes black and the CRT screen gets into a saving mode. It seems as if the X was starting on the inboard. It is just a guess.

If I install unsing the text mode, I am able to install the entire redhat. Toward the end of the install, I am asked to config the X11. I am then using the geforce crad generic driver. Upon reboot, the screen goes black again when X start.

What am I doing wrong. Is there a way to go around the onboard card if this is the problem.

I would appreciate any help on that matter.


Old 10-09-2003, 09:51 AM   #2
Registered: May 2003
Location: Kerala,India
Distribution: RedHat,Mandrake,Debian
Posts: 643

Rep: Reputation: 30
Try entering textmode(runlevel 3) by adding '3' at the end of your boot:,
for lilo,
boot:linux 3
for grub,
press 'e' to edit the kernel arguements.
add a '3' to the end of the kernel arguement.
press 'b' to boot.
after entering rl3,try 'redhat-config-xfree86' or 'xf86config' to reconfigure X.
Old 10-09-2003, 10:02 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 10

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Thanks arun for answering so quickly.
I have tried what you mentioned. as soon as I hit the red-config-xfree86, it displays the probing information then the screen goes black in a similar way as mentioned before. The screen gets into a saving mode as if the graphic card was not sending any info to the screen. Still at a loss.

Old 10-10-2003, 01:07 AM   #4
Registered: May 2003
Location: Kerala,India
Distribution: RedHat,Mandrake,Debian
Posts: 643

Rep: Reputation: 30
install the drivers nvidia provides.9from do 'xf86config'.this will create a new /etc/X11/XF86Config.(your X config file).then edit this file as mentioned in the display download page.(like chainging 'nv' to 'nvidia' etc.).then try 'startx'.you can check your X errors in the X log file(/var/log/XFree.0.log or similar files).


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