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Old 06-01-2006, 11:42 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2004
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 143

Rep: Reputation: 15
Debian DVD Authoring - dvdauthor troubles

Hello, all. I am trying to author a DVD under Debian Linux (Etch) and am having some difficulty in using dvdauthor. I'm not sure exactly the steps I need to perform, so I will outline them here.

I have created what I believe to be a DVD-compliant MPEG-2 video (720x480 resolution, 4/3 aspect ratio, 48KHz audio). I then created a menu mpg using "makemenu" (which I believe is from tovid but I'm not sure). Then I ran makexml to create a menu XML file for dvdauthor. Afterward, I ran this:
rm -Rf testdvd && dvdauthor -x testdvd.xml -o testdvd
It produced quite a lot of output, mostly consisting of
WARN: audio sector out of range: -262667 (vobu #590, pts 1505.138)

WARN: audio sector out of range: -262785 (vobu #591, pts 1509.309)
STAT: fixing VOBU at 986MB (593/598, 98%)
WARN: audio sector out of range: -262438 (vobu #592, pts 1513.480)

WARN: audio sector out of range: -262097 (vobu #593, pts 1517.650)

WARN: audio sector out of range: -262053 (vobu #594, pts 1518.601)
There were a total of 598 "audio sector out of range" warnings. The DVD filesystem itself has several problems when played through Xine:
1. The video pauses every fifteen seconds or so; it remains paused for about three to five seconds and then resumes.
2. The audio disappears shortly into the video. If I seek, I lose the audio completely.
3. The stream timer is reporting half of the length it should be reporting (reads 2:00 at 4 minutes into the video, etc.).

Other than that, things seem to be fine. The only track of the DVD (the MPEG-2 file I created) plays properly with good aspect ratio and perfect audio sync, but the DVD created by dvdauthor doesn't work... and I suspect it's related to these warnings I'm getting.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might proceed with this DVD authoring task? I have tried a number of GUIs (Varsha and Tovid GUI, among others) and all of them seem to have some problem or another, quite possibly also related to this trouble.

Thanks for your time and effort. Cheers!


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