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Old 11-28-2004, 05:58 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Copperas Cove, Texas
Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Posts: 304

Rep: Reputation: 21
Dcop server keeps commiting suicide

This something I don't remember seeing before. I'm running Mandrake 9.0 w/256mb ran and a 612mb swapfile. First of all running processes shows a process called dcopserver, now I know that has to be running, but, under the command it shows kdeinit: dcopserver --nosid. If I open another app, ie, konqueror, another dcopserver process is added with the command kdeinit: dcopserver --nosid --suicide, after closing the app, the 2nd dcopserver process disappears. I've read a couple of threads here about this but I havn't seen any definitive answer as to what causes this or whether its a problem. Can anyone elighten me on what the cause may be and whether its a problem or not?

Old 11-28-2004, 07:29 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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The exact same thing happens to me, and it doesn't hurt. I think dcopserver has something to do with KDE, it doesn't start if I don't start a KDE app.
Old 11-28-2004, 07:38 PM   #3
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Copperas Cove, Texas
Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
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Originally posted by LavaDevil94
The exact same thing happens to me, and it doesn't hurt. I think dcopserver has something to do with KDE, it doesn't start if I don't start a KDE app.
Thanks, maybe its been there all along, I just never noticed it.
Old 07-14-2005, 07:39 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2005
Distribution: Slack 10.1
Posts: 22

Rep: Reputation: 15
dcop server not running

hi all. slackware 10.1
when i "startx" i get to where KDE starts to load and an err occurs -

DCOPserver not running
/home/dyn0myt3/.DCOPserver/slack dragon_0. no such file

this has rendered Slack "unuasable" at least in a desktop environment
I'm a noob to slack/linux.

Is this a network or video issue ? thx in advance.
Soyo KT266A Dragon Plus (onboard lan-sound)
1.5gb corsair ddr 2100
Ati Radeon 9800
Old 07-14-2005, 08:24 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Posts: 2

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DCOP Server

Hey all,

From my very limited memory, DCOP is a process for sending sound between programs and KDE (I think). If you notice the DCOP socket as the name of your soundcard. Eitherway, it occasionally goes west, generally after an upgrade, system re-install or a bad shutdown, the problem is generally with the temp directory in which the socket for this process is stored. Each user has his or her own directory, and several things can cause problems

1. the GID of the user has changed or the UID has, which is causing problesm (ls the files in /home/dyn0myt3/.DCOPserver/ and ls /home/dyn0myt3/ anc check the .DCOPserver). Make sure these match the same as your GID/UID (if you don't know what these are post again). Also make sure that you do have write access/read access to this file.

2. that somewhere in the KDE settings, it thinks that there is a socket there that isn't. From memory you can deleting the .DCOPserver folder which (SHOULD) be rebuild when you start KDE. Alternativly you can delete your KDE profile (normally stored in .kde), which will make KDE believe this si the first time you've run it, and try setting it'self up again, as such you will have to re-configure a lot of options unless you back the folder up first, then copy it back when DCOP is working again.

I must stress that this is all from memory (cause I don't happen to have a linux box with a DCOP problem), and I can't guarrantee that it won't get you into further trouble. Generally though, the removal of the .DCOPserver directory, and the .kde directory will get you going again, even if it is a pain.


Last edited by shadowknight; 07-14-2005 at 08:27 AM.
Old 07-17-2005, 12:30 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2005
Distribution: Slack 10.1
Posts: 22

Rep: Reputation: 15

This is my first try with anything NON-windows. So i have had SLack for a week and had to renstall dozens of times. those cd's already paid for themselves. The biggest problem I had was trying to run at 32 instead of 24 bit. no wonder it wouldn't load. did i possibly screw something up doing this? my monitor seems to fade in slowly sometimes.
i tried to set up partitions but gave up and now just root and swap, i kept runing out of room on the install (full)
i have the book but it does not focus on the install so heres my recomendation for an install.
commands in all caps for this example.

CFDISK every new install (i formatted my windws 2x by accident) make sure you know what /dev/hd?? your working on.
NETWORK. this will find your lan. mine is onboard and it detected it easily.
SETUP. do these in order! your swap needs to be detected and formatted by the setup. after it detects your swap it will prompt you
with the formatting for the rest of the drive. it also detected my windows Hard Drive and my personal hard drive. i named
these /fat-c and /backup. i did not have to "mount" any of the hard drives, i can access my music in kde without breakin a
i did a FULL install so i cant really go into specifics on this only to look for the install screen flashing and a message at the
bottom saying "CANT WRITE-OUT OF FREE SPACE!" THats when i quit screwin with the partitions. there are no guidelines
specified in the book so just do root and swap until you can figure that out.
When the install finishes it will tell you CTRL+ALT+DEL and reboot. booted off my PRIMARY MASTER because I put LILO on the
XORGCONFIG You need some tech info regarding your monitor and video card-be sure to get this right or you might screw yourself.

It took me a week to figure out what i was screwin up. best thing to do is start over to make sure you get everything right.
rEMEMBER ima noob, this worked for me, maybe someone else can use this.

thanks to all the people who replied. seemed lika daunting task but now that i can SEE, its all clear.



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