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Old 12-03-2008, 06:33 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2008
Distribution: Ubuntu 11.04, Debian Squeeze, CentOS 5.6
Posts: 17

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Question Dansguardian Authentication

I'm trying to make a replacement for an old Novell server and decided to use Dansguardian. Novell does everything I need, but lacks in support and UI, not to mention being somewhat problematic. I have configured Dansguardian to work as a proxy.

I need the computer to serve as internet proxy with different levels of protection, probably using username and password. I've downloaded and applied the blacklists from, so I can block people, but not one specific group. It doesn't allow me to use multiple levels of protection like Novell did.

What options do I have for authentication? I was thinking Windows Domain at first, but I've heard of other ways to authenticate. What are the pros/cons to each? The reason I was thinking domain was because I needed personal folders as well as unique (by user) server shares.

Any help would be appreciated.



authentication, dansguardian, novell, proxy

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