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Old 02-28-2005, 02:21 AM   #1
Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 73

Rep: Reputation: 15
cvs revision problem

I am using cvs with my project.
When I first imported the files they got start revision
Then each commit of a new file, I get new revision for it: 1.2, 1.3 ... 1.i
No I want to declare a new version of my program: 2.0 for all files for example.
I have tried the command from the manual:
cvs commit -r3.0
but it just shows me a list of all my files in the project and does not proceed.
Any ideas which command or maybe Koqueror option would do what I need.
Thanks in Advance,
Old 02-28-2005, 03:06 AM   #2
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cvs commit -r 3.0 should set the revision tag to 3.0 for all files and commit them. You should be prompted with the usual editor window, listing the changed files, expecting you to add a commit comment at the bottom of the list.

It sounds like you're doing the right thing - just scroll down and add a comment - something like "Bumped all files to 3.0 release" (or whatever you want). Save the file and exit the editor and you should see the files being commited.

Old 02-28-2005, 03:35 AM   #3
Registered: Dec 2004
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Rep: Reputation: 15
hw-tph, thanks for your reply.
I run that command in terminal, and when I get the list there are little options I can do, I cannot type anything, but sometimes when I press some keys it does something, I just don't know the meaning of all keys, I can check it again to be more specific if You need.
Thanks a lot,
Old 02-28-2005, 04:28 AM   #4
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You are most likely presented with the vi or vim editor. It takes some reading and getting used to but it's usually worth it in the long run. You do have a couple of options:

- The editor that is used for entering commit information when using cvs is controlled by a couple of environment variables, $VISUAL, $EDITOR and $CVSEDITOR. Setting any of these to the editor you would like to use would probably work, say export VISUAL="nano" (nano is a far more simple editor than vi/vim) and then do your commit.

- You could use the -m option to automatically pass the commit message, bypassing the editor step: cvs commit -r 3.0 -m "Updated all files to 3.0 release + cleanup of old references" would probably do what you want to do. I prefer doing it with the editor though, where I can see what files have changed before actually commenting on the changes. It's my personal preference and it works either way.

There are probably other ways of doing this but these are the two I came to think of right off of the top of my head. Oh, and if you want to learn vim, try typing vimtutor at the shell prompt. The vimtutor script is included with most distributions that ship with vim.

Hope that helps.

Old 02-28-2005, 04:36 AM   #5
Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 73

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Rep: Reputation: 15
Thanks a lot, the line
export VISUAL="nano"
solved my problem


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