CrossOver Office doesn't work with office!?!!
i get a full version (2.00)of crossoffice
i am running Fedra One
i have no trouble to install crossoffice
and then i intall IE6 for more dll and fonts install
however!! MS office 2000 doesn't install??!!
well, it reply , "install compelely" about 30 sec after i select the .exe file and click next
however, nothing had been install into my computer , why is that??
i had check the crossoffice 's website for support
it said it doesn't work under Fedar one?? then how come i can still install and also install IE6 flowlessly, but doesn't work at all with MS Office ? well i didn't
try anyelse program
becz MS office is the most i need to be install!!
in the support website
it said i have to turn off the "prelink" and "excu-sheild"
and i had done what it ask with login to root
still doesn't work?
why is that??
can anyone help me ??!!