Stannerack, hi
best way (by a long shot) to manage CRON jobs is with Webmin (see It shows ALL the CRON jobs on a machine, even those 'buried' in different places, like /etc/crontab, etc/cron.d/mrtg, as well as the usual /var/spool/cron location. I had the same probs finding a 'rogue' job to kill until I found webmin, who found/saw EVERYTHING.
Usually the executables for MRTG go in /usr/bin/mrtg, or usr/local/bin.
the config file usually sit in /etc/mrtg/mrtg.conf, and the outputs go (usually) to a folder onm the apache server, usually /var/www/mrtg. Logs go in /var/log/mrtg.
If they are in the wrong place, MRTG needs to run as root to read/write to the logs.
does this help?