Creating a Samba PDC/W2k Network
I am trying to build a Windoze 2000 (without ADS) network that uses a samba server as its PDC. My test bed consists of 2 PCs, one running Win2000 Pro and one running debian testing "sarge." I have several other PCs that I will ultimately network with the two, but for the sake of simplicity, I am just trying to get everything working on these two first.
Here is the problem. In order to do this, it appears to me that I need to have configured on the Linux box several servers (or services) and I cannot find any documentation that tells "HOWto" connect all of these and in what order.
In other words, I need to (at least I think I need to) configure samba, DNS, LDAP, DHCP, WINS and probably some other stuff like backup scripts to work in concert, but all I can find is docs on the individual servers. It seems to me that using Linux to run a windows domain is something that lots of folks would do, so can anyone point me to a HOWto on this entire process?