← Ref. post #3 .
"./" : A period ( . ) means the current directory.
I will usually show . as ./ (for the "Unix/Linux" beginner) :
Ending a command with ``<space><period>´´ can be misunderstood.
May look like a common period, that ends a sentence.
Install instructions, spefically for Ubuntu 12.04 :
( Graspit may not compile in later Ubuntu versions.) ( 14.04 ).
An error in the above instructions : libcoin** should be ommitted :
libcoin60 is available in Ubuntu 10.04, 12.04, 13.04 only. Current is libcoin80.
And : libcoin**-dev will be installed automatically as a dependency for :
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libqt4-sql-psql \
libsoqt4-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libqhull-dev
As you can see : qhull ( libqhull-dev etc.) is installed,
so no reason to build or install the qhull/ in Graspit .
Installing Graspit, and setting the 'Environment variable GRASPIT' :
$ cd Graspit/bin/ && cp graspit graspit-bin
$ sudo cp graspit-bin /usr/local/bin/
$ cd /usr/local/bin/
$ sudo gedit graspit
.... And enter like : export GRASPIT=/home/name/Graspit/ , etc.
Save, and make executable :
Then you can start Graspit with : $ graspit
An example "graspit start script" is attached as graspit.sh.txt
.. Rename, and $ sudo chmod +x
An example "Icon" is also attached: Graspit.desktop, as Graspit.desktop.txt