create windows image from within linux
I would like to create a backup of my current windows install by using my linux distro as the mirroring tool.
I was told that I could just tar and gunzip up a copy of my windows partition and then I could just extract it back whenever I needed it.
The problem is my windows install is 6gb and I only have 1.5gb free on my linux partition (only have a 15gb hdd in this machine)
Is it possible to create a tar file of my windows folder but break it up into 700mb (cd burnable) chunks.
ie: tar create 'file1.tar.gz' which is the first 700mb of windows partition, then a new file 'file2.tar.gz' with the next 700mb.
If this is possible how would I go about extracting it? What happens if a file is cut in half between 2 tar files? How do you then extract it?
Is there a better tool which could do this for me, I was pointed towards afio and rar, but I had little success with these.