Create a custom MSI on a LAMP server for windows clients?
Hi all,
I'd like to create custom-configured MSI packages on the fly for my windows users to install user-specific applications on their systems from a website using platform-independent software. Most of their skill levels can handle a double-click, next, next, next wizard installation process but not much beyond that.
One of the things I'm trying to get them to install is a custom OpenVPN client, complete with GUI front end and their own host certificate and config file, so all they get is an icon on their screen that they can double-click, pop in their password, and connect; once they've logged in to the website with their creds and downloaded their VPN client installer, of course.
There's a bunch of MSI package creators out there, but they all seem to have the same things in common: They are windows applications, they are closed source, and they cost money. All of these attributes suck.
Does anyone know of a script or class of some kind, written in a linux-friendly language (I'm hoping for perl or PHP) that will allow me to build custom MSI's like I want to?