I am trying to download VLC for use on my Scientific Linux. After going to the vlc-2.0.6 folder, I ran "./configure" and got error messages
configure: error: Could not find libmad on your system: you may get it from http://www.underbit.com/products/mad/. Alternatively you can use --disable-mad to disable the mad plugin.
I went to that link and downloaded madplay, libmad, libid3tag, and was able to configure all of them with no problems. However, when I go back to the vlc folder and run "./configure", I still get the same error.
I heard one solution may be to use sudo-apt. But when I try that I get the error
sudo: apt-get: command not found
when I tried
sudo yum install vlc
, I got the message saying
"Sorry, user csx is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/yum install vlc' as root"
I don't know the administrator password, but my coworker might know.
What else can I do?