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emetib 08-11-2003 10:02 PM

console font sizes
what is the proper way to change the size of the text on a tty(terminal, console)?

i've looked at the man settings, --help, and info, but i can't find a thing related to the terminal fonts.

i won't be having x running soon, so i won't have access to the fonts that are used there. i've looked at /usr/sbin/update-fonts-scale, -fonts-update, and so on. i still can't make it work.



l0f33t 08-12-2003 02:29 AM

Hey Emetib,

You can actually do some pretty kewl stuff here.

Pull down the start menu and goto, Configuration> then KDE> and then Font.

This should allow you to specifiy "Application type fonts, Desktop fonts, Window Tile fons and Terminal fonts and then some within those choices.

emetib 08-12-2003 04:19 PM

ok, now how do i do it from the command line? the x that is set up now is messed up and will be removed soon and not put back on.

the reason that i want this is so that my /dirs will be on the screen, not just part of them. i would prefer not to use less and i am just more accustomed to them being somewhat smaller.

thanks. don't think that it would matter, but it's a net install of debian as a firewall.

slakmagik 08-12-2003 04:25 PM

Timing! I was stfw for something entirely unrelated earlier today and came across this. Have yet to try it out - it may be outdated or not relevant, but maybe it'll help. :)


Changing console fonts
The fonts in your console can also be changed using consolechars.Only psf font formats are supported though.First find the psf fonts in your system (use locate or find) and then issue the command

consolechars --font=<location of font file>
.Only fonts having their corresponding SFM(Screen Font Map) files can be displayed.You can download more Console tools and fonts from
-- Um, on second thought, though, that would probably just change the *appearance* of the fonts. I think the only way to change the font *size* would be related to the fact of having a framebuffer. And I guess there, it'd be editing lilo.conf (except that that would seem to require a reboot) so there must be a framebuffer way. Somebody else was asking something similar and I said something about trying 'man fbset' and seeing if it or related files would do the trick. So maybe one of the three will do it.

lfur 08-12-2003 05:43 PM


use command setfont (man setfont) to change console fonts. In Slackware, available fonts can be found under

and there is a rc.font script under /etc/rc.d which sets it for you after every reboot ... just so you won't have to set it manually every time.


Oh ... just a tip ... when you are searching for a command that does certain thing, but you dont have a clue what name does it have. Use:

man -k keyword

so ... to display available man pages for commands that have something to do with fonts, you would use:
man -k font

emetib 08-12-2003 08:38 PM

thanks for the tip.


charon79m 09-21-2005 09:16 PM

So... any solution here?
Did the suggestions work?


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