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Old 07-12-2005, 10:37 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Unhappy ./configure not working

You are welcome to brand me with the 'Scarlet nOOb' if you wish. For I am finding that is what I am. I've only had a passing familiarity with linux in the past and I finally decided to put it on my machine. After an arduous and ignorant install process, I have Slackware 10.1 running happily (I think).

My current problem is that when I try to install an application (such as Samba, part of the ignorance was to leave it out during the OS install) the ./configure command returns 'No such file or directory' O_o

This is not just for samba, other apps are providing the same result.

I have followed the instructions as far as where I un-tar'ed the archive (/etc/samba) but still no dice

I can't find anyone posting on the internet that has had this problem yet, so I'm throwing myself to the wolves.


*braces for barrage*
Old 07-12-2005, 10:43 AM   #2
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1. did you check whether the file exists (some programs do not require ./configure for compilation)

2. Is the configure script executable? If not, change it with 'chmod +x configure'
Old 07-12-2005, 10:51 AM   #3
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Originally posted by abisko00
1. did you check whether the file exists (some programs do not require ./configure for compilation)

2. Is the configure script executable? If not, change it with 'chmod +x configure'
There is no configure file in my samba directory, however the samba instructions give that command as part of the install process. I figured the path was system level and linux would know what I was talking about...

I'm not sure where the configure script would reside if not there... When I find it, I'll make sure it's excecutable.

If there is no configure script, one would use the make and make install commands correct? These are returning the same 'no such file...' message.

Darn I feel stupid.... Windows has lowered my tech IQ.
Old 07-12-2005, 11:16 AM   #4
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This may seem like a dumb question on my part, so please forgive me for asking it.

After you untar the file do you change into the created directory and then run ./configure?

Also is it wise to untar a file in /etc?

Again please forgive me for asking these questions. I truly do not wish to insult your intelligence or abilities.
Old 07-12-2005, 11:34 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by cuiq
This may seem like a dumb question on my part, so please forgive me for asking it.

After you untar the file do you change into the created directory and then run ./configure?

Also is it wise to untar a file in /etc?

Again please forgive me for asking these questions. I truly do not wish to insult your intelligence or abilities.

Yes, I am in the untar'ed folder (/etc/Samba-3.0.14a)

as far as untarring in /etc....



I hope it's not a problem....
This is where the Linux nOOb kicks in
If I have done something unbelievably ignorant, let me know.... Please....

And no, I don't feel insulted. I have gone into meditation to prepare my soul for people pointing out the ignorant sins against linux I have commited. I will repent.

This is my first attempt at installing an application but here's what I'm starting to gather.
-The tar file can be unzipped in any location, run and deleted
-If the tar does not contain a configure file, it is a binary and installed in a different fashion.
-I should have a 'Clockwork Orange' style crash course in linux file structure.

Another think I have tried is the installpkg command. It replied that the .tar.gz file was not a .tgz , so I renamed it and ran it again. It just displayed the line 'PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:' and then gave the prompt again.

Thank you for everyone trying to help me, I do appreciate it.


"I'll wait here for the Assasin-Ninja Penguins to end my life."

Last edited by dscheide; 07-12-2005 at 11:36 AM.
Old 07-12-2005, 11:53 AM   #6
Registered: Feb 2005
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I figured the path was system level and linux would know what I was talking about...
I'm not sure where the configure script would reside if not there... When I find it, I'll make sure it's excecutable.
Your system path has nothing to do with this.
The ./ part of ./configure means you're specifying a specific file location, thus the shell only looks in the current directory (i.e. ./) and doesn't check the path.

If you just typed "configure", THEN the shell will check every directory in your path and search for a file named configure. There won't likely be a configure file in your path anyways, as every source code app will supply it's own configure file, thus why we always type ./configure

Another think I have tried is the installpkg command. It replied that the .tar.gz file was not a .tgz , so I renamed it and ran it again. It just displayed the line 'PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:' and then gave the prompt again.
Sometimes that is all that installpkg will respond with anyways, even if the install works properly .
However installpkg only works with .tgz files which were specially prepared to be slackware packages. And since you seemed to imply that this was a source package, then it is likely not a slackware package.

Why not check if has a .tgz file for samba and install that one with installpkg.
Alternatively, I think there is probably a samba .tgz file on your slackware install discs which you could also install with installpkg
These two methods would definitely be easier than installing from source anyways.

Good luck.
Old 07-12-2005, 12:07 PM   #7
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I'll give those a shot.

I know samba was an option during the intall process, I just seemed to have missed it. I'll look to see where the .tgz file is.

Thanks again.

David "the most recent linux nOOb"
Old 07-12-2005, 12:26 PM   #8
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the configure script was in a directory called source!


./configure worked

make is working

make install will probably work now

Last question, does it matter where I run this whole shebang from? Or will it install into it's own happy home where it's supposed to be?

not quite as nOOb (but still pretty nOOb),

my next project is to get my mouse to work
Old 07-12-2005, 02:15 PM   #9
Registered: Feb 2005
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Last question, does it matter where I run this whole shebang from? Or will it install into it's own happy home where it's supposed to be?
It most likely compiles everything into subdirectories of the current directory.

"make install" typically copies everything necessary to run the program out of these subdirectories and into a standard location. (e.g. /usr/local or something like that)

Just make sure you run "make install" as root, because it will almost certainly write to directories that an ordinary user can't modify.
Old 07-12-2005, 02:39 PM   #10
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you really really shouldn't be unpacking stuff in /etc
/etc/samba is for very sensitive configuration files
use /src
make the directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir /src
chmod a+wt /src
Old 07-12-2005, 02:51 PM   #11
LQ Newbie
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Thank you all.

I shalt not unpack a tar into /etc

Good to know. I will create my own happy source file directory and play in there.

"Good Times"



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