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Old 08-25-2005, 11:31 PM   #1
Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 40

Rep: Reputation: 15
composing html mail in kmail....


I have currently configured kmail for all my mail accounts, and suddenly realized that the composer doesnt support HTML tags... in other words, if i forward a html message, it still appears as a plain text message. So, is there any alternative for that? even if i use external html editors, i get the forwarded message (when editing in the external editor) with only text in it...

can anyone please help me in this?

Old 08-26-2005, 12:31 AM   #2
Ike M.
Registered: Aug 2005
Posts: 60

Rep: Reputation: 15
What precisely

are you using to view your final output?

Have you considered trying any of the other available mail packages? (there should be several available considering what your setup is)
Old 08-26-2005, 01:56 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2004
Posts: 40

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Rep: Reputation: 15
i beleive mozilla thunderbird has that capability... but, it lacks many other features that kmail is capable of....

I want some way to compose html mails in Kmail... even if i use external editors, its ok... But the crappy thing is that, u end up in copying and pasting the source code (from the preview pane) for including the original message
Old 08-26-2005, 09:03 AM   #4
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: Malaysia
Distribution: Fedora, Suse
Posts: 108

Rep: Reputation: 15
From the KMail Handbook....

In order to be able to create HTML messages you first have to enable the markup tools. To do this enable Formatting (HTML) in the Options menu. A toolbar with several tools to format the message will appear. Via the drop down box you can select between standard text and six different types of lists (three bulleted lists with different symbols and three numbered lists with different numbering). Moreover, you can select the font family, the font size, the font style (bold, italic, underlined) and the text color. Last but not least, you can select the alignment of the text (left aligned, centered, right aligned).
Creating tables and embedding images is currently not possible.

Note: I did some checking, the Options menu is only available in the 'Compose' window.

Last edited by Habu; 08-26-2005 at 09:05 AM.


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