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Old 09-10-2002, 03:45 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2002
Posts: 411

Rep: Reputation: 30
compiler questions

i've been working on some software that required that i try to compile programs rather than relying on rpms. i've been running into errors and have so little understanding of the issues that i can't even formulate an intelligent question. can anyone point me to a website or short book that will explain the basics to me?

Extra points if you can explain to me the relationship between these references to compilers below (i've been getting dependency issues and have had a hard time sorting through them).

*GCC 2.7 (this is what i need to compile apache but my glibc is only 2.2 -- is this a problem?)
*GNU Compiler
*g++/ C++ compiler
*Glibc -
*ACS C++ state engine and IVR components
Old 09-10-2002, 04:10 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2002
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Re: compiler questions

Originally posted by rioguia
i've been working on some software that required that i try to compile programs rather than relying on rpms. i've been running into errors and have so little understanding of the issues that i can't even formulate an intelligent question. can anyone point me to a website or short book that will explain the basics to me?
Usually it's because you don't have all neded libraries installed. Post an example error, this will allow people here to help you.
*GCC 2.7 (this is what i need to compile apache but my glibc is only 2.2 -- is this a problem?)
GCC is a GNU C Compiler. It'a a program you need to compile other programs. Of course, there are more compilers, but gcc is the most popular one in Linux.
*GNU Compiler
*g++/ C++ compiler
Look above. GCC can compile not only C, there's also G++ included (C++ compiler). All is in one package (sometimes in distros it gets divided).
*Glibc -
A library. Very popular. Included in all distros.
*ACS C++ state engine and IVR components
I'm not sure. Can anyone help?
A library. Basic system library. Can be found in /lib directory of your system (usually it's a symlink to file).
Old 09-12-2002, 01:04 PM   #3
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you can check your version of gcc with
'gcc -v'
but it is very likely newer than 2.7
cheers, jens


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