Command line application for managing wireless and 3G connections
I am in the need of managing Wireless and 3G connections only by using commands on my Ubuntu minimal system, so I would like to know if is there some application or utility that already does that.
Specifically I need:
Regarding wireless connections:
1. Submit a command that outputs available connections or SSIDs.
2. Upon a given SIDD name, security type, encryption type and password, submit a "Connect" command that tries to establish a connection, and give a feedback of the operation result.
3. Submit a command that outputs the current status of the active wireless connection, if any.
Regarding 3G connections:
1. Given a dial number, APN, username and password, submit a "Connect" command that tries to establish a connection and give the feedback of the operation result.
2. Submit a command that outputs the current status of the active 3G connection, if any.
Of course, the start point for the two cases is that there is a properly configured wireless adapter and 3G modem, with an active SIM card.
The solution I'm searching for, is for my minimal Ubuntu 14.04. So I got no graphic interface, and all things have to be installed with apt-get.
Thanks for reading and your valuable help.