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Old 05-16-2005, 11:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2005
Location: Kansas
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Question ColdFusion install on RH AS needs compat RPMS?

I am installing ColdFusion MX 7 on RH AS version 4, and the install scrip is asking if I have compat-libstdc++7.3-2.96.123.i386.rpm and compat-glibc-7.x.rpm. I have previously run up2date and installed the latest compat RPMs from RH, which when I query the rpm database appear as: compat-libstdc++33-3.2.3-47.3 and compat-glibc-2.3.2-95.30. Is this simply the fact that the installer is looking for a specific version or format of the RPM name, or do I really need to track these RPMs down and install on my AS system? I'm putting in a call to macromedia tomorrow for further support (might as well take advantage of the support I paid for, right?). I should note, prior to installing on RH AS, I configured my prototypes server with Fedora Core 3, and installed the Enterprise ColdFusion download with little effort, and no comments about compat- RPMs. Any help would be appreciated.

I went ahead and used the libs on the AS system with no ill affects. However, there's problems lurking in the, which has to be rebuilt for the 64 bit AS extensions. I've posted a lengthy explanation of what I had to do on Macromedia's Getting Started forum, titled "Help for installing CF MX7 on RH AS w/64 ext". Also, be ware the SUSEFLAG6problem, since the check on the 64 bit AS seems to cause problems with connector installs, startup, and anywhere the flag check is made. Comment out the ENTIRE if block, not just the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL statements.

Last edited by dswglobalsw; 05-17-2005 at 05:02 PM.


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