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Old 01-16-2005, 01:45 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
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Coldfusion breaks Apache

I'm running redhat 3ES and apache. I installed Coldfusion MX 6.1 last night, and everything worked for a few hours, then I restarted apache to apply some settings and everything was broken.

I can't access any html or cfm pages, the entire web server is down, even though apache seems to start ok. If I comment out the LoadModule line in httpd.conf that tells apache to hook up to coldfusion, the web server works fine, but of course coldfusion doesn't work.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling coldfusion, but no luck. When I try to go to, it just keeps trying and never gets anything. netstat shows a connection, but it just sits there.

Has anyone had a problem like this? Since it worked at first I'd be happy just resetting everything and trying again, is there a way to do that without reinstalling linux?
Old 08-10-2006, 04:07 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2004
Location: New Mexico
Distribution: FC4, SuSE 9.3 Pro, SuSE 10.1, SLED 10 SDK
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I have been wasting hours and hours on this as well....

I had ColdFusion 6.1 running fine on SuSE 9.3 and apache 2.0 for months. I upgrades to SuSE 10.1 and could not get CF re-installed ! I have traced it to the loading of the module you mentioned.

The ONLY difference on my setups is APache 2.0 V/S Apache 2.2 ! So, I'm looking around for answers as to what I can do to get Apache 2.2 to load the CF module...

Any help here would be appreciated. I'll keep Googling around and post it here if I can find out what it is.

* Plan 'B' for me is to go back to Apache 2.0 and I bet it'll work just fine *


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